Scarlettee's Evening on the Lake (animated)

ok we all love the nice hot tub we got as a gift but when i got mine and saw how big it was i thought where am i going to put it most rooms are just too small for it and my land of Whyst was full not to mention that it didn't fit any of my decors so i thought it would look good on a lake floating away as my friends and i partied so this is the invention that came of that necessity

hope you all enjoy it
P.S. if you purchased it to use with the hot tub please take a pic and send me message stating that you did i would love to see what you did with it

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This Item is part of the Scarlettee's camping collection found bellow and each item in this collection can be mixed and matched with so many others to create your own little camping world

*** the pictures below were created using many items in the camping collection the one that look like they are taken in a room with land and water were created by using s. evening on the lake and s. ground cover ***

Scarlettee's Camping Collection

Scarlettee's Camping Collection

other similar Scarlettee's Stuff product available are

Scarlettee's Stuff