This male voices pack comes out from various film Characters.
กกก A total of 250 voices !!!
You will find it in Male Accessories.

Voice Triggers

apleasure ah alright alright2 alright3 alright? anyway anyways areyou arrived bastard belong belong2 bitch2 bitch3 ! borat boring boring! breathe ! burp buti bye byebye camon! canicome? change cheekey? childish chilling chocolateface clever clown come! cool crack crazy! doin? doit! doll dont ? dude east excited expensive fart fart2 fart3 fart4 fart5 fart6 fart7 fart8 fart9 fart10 fart11 fart12 fart13 fart14 fart15 fart16 fart17 finished fuckyou game gents gess? getnaked getoff! gimme? gipsy go go! goodluck goodshit gr grow hah haha haha2 hahaha hahaha2 hahaha3 handbrake hello hello2 hello3 here? hey! hibabe hippie? holdon honest hump? hurt cry ididnt! ido ihad iknow iknow2 ilike ilike? ilikeu! iloveu iloveu2 iloveu3 im isnice isnot iwant joke king ! kiss? lend? letsgo liar listen! lol loveyoutoo magnet magnet2 makeup marryme? means mh models money more? moore? morning much! myass mybitch mywife negative nice nice2 nice! nicee niceroom nochoice noot noot2 dontlike nothanks now now! ohcomon ok? okhoney okwhat ono ops orelse out out! ow! owbaby owrg pickup? Pig pig2 pimps pool? pretty problem? problemm? question room scary seeya seeyou sex2 sexy shave she ! showme shutup! shuturass Sing smart! Smells smyle so? Stink stinks hand stupid? success sure swear? swearr? swimm tease thanks! toilet toilet2 toilet3 toomuch treasures true? true trust! tummy tummy2 ugly ugly! ups uwrong wanit! war wassup wassup2 wassup3 watch! waw what? who? woow window wish with with? withyou? work! wow yeah yep yes yess yessir you! urs urstyle u2

Also for Women

Male Voices

regularly updated (remember to clean your IMVU cache)