The Cleopatra Collection comes in a total of 7 items: silks in 2 sizes med & bm, sandals, arm & wrist cuff set, hair, crown & a unisex necklace. The King Tut Collection comes in a total of 6 items: goatee, sandals, head dress, arm & wrist cuff set, outfit & a unisex necklace. Each item is sold separately. Great for Halloween, Cosplay or any Egyptian Role Play. ALWAYS try before you buy!! Refer to icon to insure your purchasing the correct product. There are no refunds whatsoever. Thanks in advance for your purchase. Please feel free to leave a review. You can find my badges on my home page. If you have a request, please message. This item, product page & icon are PROPERLY rated. This item adheres to the IMVU VGP & TOS. Improper flagging/failing can & will result in a guilty verdict against you. You risk losing your account by improper flagging/failing. If you can't rate properly then don't rate at all.