[SH] Fly Furniture #1

What is it?
Add this to your room, and you can then drop up to 6 furniture items onto it

WHY?, Only because It's blinkin animated innit!, you can fly around on each of the 6 nodes if you drop on something with a seat, pose or action!!!
Chairs, Bananas, Cars, cannons, All those cool items you own can now be EVEN COOLER, when you fly around on them


Type in 'fly1' to 'fly6' to Fly and land

Type 'fly7' to 'fly12' to fly around for a while

Type 'flyall' to trigger them all at once

Type 'hideit' to hide the helper nodes and instructions

OK Kids, HERE'S the IMPORTANT bit!, you can ONLY drop in ONE of these into any room!
THIS IS Supery important, because it will not show up again in that room if you ever add two, However, it WILL work with my other Drive Anything products!

BONUS!!!, This item allows you to add 6 things, and move and scale all 6 at once, Just make sure you do it to the controlling node

NOTE, You may ONLY sit on furniture that has a standing/sitting or action pose already
Any furniture without a seat will still fly around, but you won't be able to sit on it

ALSO NOTE, The music in the video is not included.

I Have made this derivable, In the hopes that people will add their own sound effects, or if they need to change the triggers or images

Simply use a couple of 128x128 images, couldn't be easier ;)