A request product. Lelouch Vi Britannia, the main star of Code Geass Series. With his insane power, he gains control of the world. This product is for both male and female (Would be found in the female accessories). This is in japanese, not english voice. Try on before buying. All hail, Lelouch.
Laugh - (This is not Lelouch's Laugh, but it fit's in with his character. Light Yagami)

All Hail, Lelouch
Ruler - (Sorry I forgot what he said in this one...~YR)
Obey - (Lelouch Vi Britannia, commands you to obey me!)
Shine - (Lelouch Vi Britannia, commands you... all of you...to die!)
Damocles - (Lelouch Vi Britannia, commands you to hand over the Damocles!)
Worlds - (Yes... I... destroy worlds...create worlds...)