This is a flash gaming table.. that you and your friends can sit at and actually play a game of poker, not just look like you're playing! Once you sit in the chair, the flash player deals you a hand and the fun begins. A great thing to entertain you and your friends with, instead of just using animated pose spots.. this one is interactive! The table and chairs are black marble, and the top is a hot pink leopard fur! Customized playing cards in black and pink complete the sophisticated look. Game Play Instructions: 1. When you are ready to begin a hand, one person (doesn't matter who) clicks the "Deal" button. 2. When any chatting about the hand has completed, click on the cards you wish to keep and then click the "Draw" button 3. Once everyone has drawn and any further chatting has completed, either click the "Show Hand" button to reveal your cards, or "Fold" to end the hand with cards face down. 4. Whoever clicked the "Deal" button, has a "New Game" button that will reset the game so that someone may deal again.