As requested on
Thanks to Liadan for naming this hairstyle. We had a lot of great suggestions, and it seemed like it would be very hard to decide, but in the end we quickly decided Rika was the best. Lyrak also suggested the name Rika, but Liadan was about 24 hours ahead of her with the suggestion. In case you don't know (we didn't!) there is a Digimon character named Rika who has almost this exact hairstyle, and as a nice bonus "rika" also means "peaceful ruler". So, get your Yumi-Liadan-Rika-Digemon-Peaceful-Ruler hairstyle only comes in like, a zillion colors, so you are sure to find one that suits you. Oh, and thanks to everyone who entered the contest, we had SO MUCH FUN with you guys and all the super creative suggestions.