This is a spectacular 2 story mansionYou have to spend time there to appreciate all of the great views and space that this Millionaire's Villa has. Features 5 car garages, a huge master suite with a circular staircase with glass and 5 balconies and 2 more on the front of the mansion. The inside walls have crown gold moldings on the bottom and top. There is circular glass at the end of the Villa which you can use as you like. The outside manicured grass comes with a large size swimming pool with 2 pool animations and there are some rocks at the edge of the pool with furniture nodes. The property comes with a horse corral where you can add horses or whatever animals you want, the front of the house has a heliport and 5 car garages, lots of trees as well. the ocean has some swimming animations as well, and a lot of furniture nodes for all your water crafts hope u enjoy