VA Tavern Wench Collection shoes dress eyebrows skin hair and more

Large Picture of the Tavern Wench Shoes by VictoriaAlexandrea

                 ~ My other products shown and related products ~



VA Tavern Wench Shoes

For those looking for flat brown shoes, look no further.  These dark brown shoes were made to match the NPC furniture for those hard working avi's on IMVU.

As always as with any of my other products if you'd like to see this done differently you have but to ask!


Made specifically for those people who wanted an NPC to match their avi.     


Eyebrows V-1 Eyebrows V-2 Skin
Dress Shoes Eyes

<-- Hair

No Eyebrows -->


Looking for items of mine that would go well with this?  Just check out the following links for a breakdown of just some of the products I’ve made.

  Furniture and Rooms  Female  Male  Stickers

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DarlinLila (An inspiration to all)


MasterWordSlinger (The man who married and puts up with me)