Enneagrams are an ancient form of personality typing. Used world wide, it is based on the traditions of the Sufi mystics and the greek Pythagoras. I have found them to be a "tourist guide" to knowing the people in your life better. The sticker was designed by Keef based on the traditional shape..

-Good Stuff: Experiences and embraces adventures fully. Curious. Spontaneous. Charming. Enthusiastic. Optimistic.
-Not good stuff: Scattered. Impulsive. Undisciplined. Rebellious.
-Care and Feeding of a 7: Encourage them to be alone and focused on a quiet activity. Share their adventures and ask them to share them with you via questions or activities. Appreciate their sparkle and joy.

Passion: Gluttony
Habit: Rationalizing
Higher Mind: Soberity
Virture: Constancy

Enneagram tests are free and available on the web. Go discover what your passions, fears and habits are.