[Der] "Yours" Animated Hearts (V1/V2)

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Head Hearts

Products worn by MissFeistyMaria

MFM♑<d>YoursHeartV1 MFMâ™'CelticSensual MFMâ™'RedSatinPumps MFMâ™'Sapphire Necklace MFMâ™'Sapphire Earrings ~MK~Arielle Ruby MFMâ™'CrystalPink
MFM♑<d>YoursHeartV2 ~FM~[Req]MaxWedSatinSuit Tom-DarkCoffeBlond



Produdcts in the scene by MissFeistyMaria


Maps, Opacity, Textures

M00 Map
M00 Overlay
M00 Texture
M00 Opacity






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