Derivable chatsounds voicebox for developers to derive from.
DO NOT BUY, this is for deriving only!

A newer version of this derivable is available which makes it possible to set the category to male accessories again.

The sounds will work both for females and males.

You can see what's already derived from this voicebox here.

General usage instructions

  1. If you are not yet a creator go to imvu's creator center and make a creator account (imvu guest accounts cannot be developers.
  2. Get a sound editing program. I use audacity which is free.
  3. Either record some sounds or if you already have sounds available open them with your sound editing program and save them in ogg format. (If your sound file is of the wma type you will have to download the ffmpeg plugin for audacity so it can import them.)
  4. To save in ogg format with Audacity go to menu file, export... and select ogg vorbis as file type.

Instructions for use in Create Mode.

  1. Start the imvu client and open Create Mode then click the Derive new products button.
  2. In the dialog that opens enter 3606870 in the Specify product id box, after pressing the derive button the editor window opens.
  3. On the right side at the top you see several tabs, the third one called actions is the one you need, click it.
  4. You should see 1 action already there, the test action, which you can delete by pressing the Remove Action button.
  5. To add a new action press the +Add button
  6. Next click the +Add .OGG button and browse to the ogg file you want to use.
  7. Then above the sound file box you see a box for a trigger. Enter a trigger that should be used for the sound you selected. You can ignore all the other boxes you see.
  8. Repeat those steps for all the sounds you want to use and the press the save or save as button at the top
  9. There is a Play button where you can test the sounds but currently (december 2010) does not always seem to work unless you first save the file, close the editor window, and reopen the chkn file from Create, Open a local project.
  10. Some important things you should know about sound products:
  11. Sounds longer than 20 seconds are not allowed and will be cut off on the newest imvu versions.
  12. There is a size limit for product files so don't add too many (long) sound files.
  13. Very important! Don't forget that imvu requires all products which add sound files to add the following disclaimer:
    This product contains audio that is not part of IMVU's Music Mix Service and thus may be limited to a maximum of 20 secs of audio only.
  14. After saving click the Upload button and you will be directed to the add product page.
  15. Fill in all information there like product name, the profit you want, category where it should appear in the catalog, product rating, etc. and submit it.
  16. Be aware of IMVU's virtual goods policy. Some sounds may not be allowed for GA (or even AP) use, in that case set the rating to AP or you stand the chance that your product will be flagged and your credits refunded to those users who don't have AP.
  17. If you have any problems please send me a private message and I'll try to help you.
  18. Avanced creators can change the bodypart number so you can make multiple voiceboxes that can be worn at the same time. Be aware that currently this isn't as easy in Create Mode as in the previewer. You need to do the following steps every time before saving.
  19. Go to the meshes tab at the top of the editor and click the +Add button.
  20. Enter a new number between 15 and 100. Note that if another product or mesh uses the same number you choose, that product and your voicebox cannot be worn at the same time.
  21. Go to the config tab and look at the Clothing Override Body Part IDs: uncheck the one with the number 50 and make sure the one for the number you just entered is the only one that's checked.
  22. Now save the chkn file and optionally Upload it. Remember you will have to redo these last steps every time after you open and edit the chkn file because Create Mode re adds the check for bodypart 50 every time you open the file!

The following chat sounds can be used:



All sounds are shorter than 20 seconds so there will be no problems with the imvu max 20 seconds rule. Even so imvu requires to add the following disclaimer:
This product contains audio that is not part of IMVU's Music Mix Service and thus may be limited to a maximum of 20 secs of audio only.

Review and requests:

Please consider leaving a review if you like this product. Leaving a review helps me to become better.

Do you want other chat sounds or want to use another voice for (some of) the words? Contact me and we can work something out :)

If you want to support me you can show my banner on your hp by copying the text below and pasting it in your hp.