Derivable Physician's Pressure Syringe!

As a special request, I've meshed a syringe that's more compatible with the male AVI. Someone felt the current syringe in the catalog looked odd in the male hand. This is a medical cosplay item since it's designed like the pressure syringe used in medicine. This is not a common design, but I highly specialized one used in the medical field. That said I've tried to make this syringe fully compatible with both avatars.

This item is unisex. It can be used by both Male and Female Avatars, but will appear under the male accessories menu.

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This is a derivable version.
Texture maps are provided below to assist you in positioning your textures.

Under the creator agreement every developer has to agree to, you do have the right to make any derivations of the product derivable yourself. The exact wording states: "When you mark a product as derivable in the catalog, you give permission to every other IMVU Creator to derive a new product from your product. This permission also allows those other IMVU Developers to set their derived products to be derivable. You agree that since the original Developer in a product derivation chain always receives payment of their wholesale price, simply deriving from those derivations does not, in itself, constitute copyright infringement." It is considered courteous, and common practice, not to set products to be derivable unless you created the mesh or significantly altered the item in an original manner through the use of Opacity Maps, etc. I will leave it to your own conscience as to whether you follow that practice or not.

Textures are another thing entirely, and a serious issue in IMVU. To avoid any trouble I am formally giving permission for anyone who derives from this item to re-use my textures on this item only. This permission does not extend to using my textures on someone else's mesh or any other item except this one. I personally don't have a problem with re-using or altering textures when I provide them, but only on the mesh I provide them with.

Derivable Pressure Syringe by LordDarcy
Derivable Pressure syringe by LordDarcy

The Male Model is also wearing (closest I had to an appropriate outfit LOL):

*VN™ GQ by VisNova
[V4NY] Joe Head by V4NY
[Sx] Male Skin`NY `Dark by Smexy
*A*AZURE DEPTHS [male] by Attacke
Regal Chocolate Brows by Afina
d Chocolate Slick Rebel by dracoamalfoy
[O] The Gent - Black by orchidblush
Captain Coat 14 Unisex by Urinari
Brass Glasses - Male by AnnaCorinne

Texture Maps:

Outer TubeOuter Tube
ContentsPlunger and Needle

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