Here comes a couple of silk dresses, put on a skinny mesh to make them a bit cuter. ;) Actually, even though these were primary made to look like prom silk dresses, some of the lighter versions (like the white and pink) ended up just as nicely night gowns. what those will look like really depends on the rest of the outfit you make - so be creative! There's more than one way to look as these dresses. :) I might do some non-skinny versions of these later on, or not. I haven't decided yet. I guess time will tell by itself. Till then, enjoy these!

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May I also suggest:

- derivate what's derivable of my work and add some new, nice textures to it!
- make sure to try this product (as you should with all products on IMVU) before you buy it. I will not give refunds or exchanges.
- let me, others and IMVU know if you like my work by writing a review!

- give me requests, except there's a specific color that you think is missing in the sortiment. Then I might be able to help.
- claim my work as your own or copy my work! For I will hunt you down as the critter you are!! *growls maniacally*! ... Nah just kidding. Though I would get pretty mad.
- and last but not lease, please don't put my derivable products at derivable when submitting if you've only changed the texture.