4u Club Secret
Huge neon purple club with two hidden private rooms

Club Secret Trigger words = secret, suite1, suite2

base room only dance spots and furniture needs to be added see my catalogue for more

This club is highly animated makes it look more like a real club without having to buy lots of lag making lasers and stuff, however animation makes your pc work harder, I recommend having at least a dual core with 512 + graphics card. Animation flashes so be warned if you have fits. Colours are neon purples and splashes of rainbow, furniture nodes in all the right spots including ontop of the dance podiums and all over the dance floor

Club Secret Secrets :) There are two hidden rooms that are fully furniture enabled, make private rooms for yourself. Stand at the bottom of the stairs and type in the trigger word " secret " this will show the metal portal rings, click on these and get a friend to as well and then to go to either of the hidden rooms just type using no spaces " suite1 " or " Suite2 " for the other room, they are both textured in deep purples one is slightly darker than the other. When ever you want to return to the main club just jump on the rings again and type in " secret " and you will return to the club. The two rooms are actually high above the main club, you can also scroll down to it manually when in the rooms or upto it from the clubs if you have to.

Suite1 Suite2