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Add your super cars in this room and have a really crazy race by night ^^

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This is the DarkBlue version of the Spider:

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If you prefer darkred, click on the icon below:

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12 realistic sounds effects / 12 romantic posse / 22 triggers and 44 combinaisons of all those to make it coherent !!!

ATTENTION !!! THIS IS THE DARK BLUE VERSION with wheels not spiining by default!!!

This car comes with awsome and romantic couple poses that you're going to become FAN of ^^

Triggers are: Stop, StopF, Start, startF, w, ww, stopw, a2, a3, Go, GoSlow, GoFast, faster, Drive, DriveSlow, DriveFast, StopSound, StopSoundF, b, break, horn, horn2.

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Once you type the trigger "Stop", it will stop the room "[JP] Florida Ride" scroll and the wheels of the car. So you can use all the romantic poses from this car :)

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This car was made in particular to go with the animated running road that you can get by clicking on the Icon below. And by the way, when you type the triggers goslow go or gofast, the road also will move accordingly ^^:

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I suggest you add thoses animated Ferrari cars to go with this animated road room. This version of the White California Ferrari is set to have its wheels spinning right away. I made this version so you could use it in those rooms where the ground of the road is moving endlessly. So the only thing you have to do is jump in the car ^^

This being said, the triggers for the car are: open, close, start, drive, stop, Run, stopsound and horn ^^

Click on the video below to get to the car's description page and buy it ^^:

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______________ Animated Kart for the Kart Circuit ______________

This kart comes with the triggers startKart / goKart / runKart / stopKart. the Kart in itself doesn't move but it does when added to the Kart Circuit Room below:


____________ Kart Circuit Room ____________

Note: Drop your cars to the nodes on the circuit. Then use the triggers GoKart or GoKart10 (for 10 tours) or GoKartFast (to go faster) and GoKart10Fast (for 10 faster tracks tours)

There are the Karts I'm advising for this circuit:


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____________ Also Check _______________

... The Office Meeting Table (Poseless) ...


Also check "The Office chair" to go with it:



There are my newest triggered Tongues Any head for male and female:

 photo tagEricfr9_zpstd83rri5.gif  photo tagEricfr1_zpsueul9mrf.gif


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