Magic earrings are made "in the round" to repeat your pattern around a center axis.
Paint your earring shape around the center vertical and watch what fun patterns appear when you apply in previewer.
As you can see, there are panels radiating out from a center axis so you'll get a rotational pattern.
They are really long! These will clip your shoulders sometimes depending on how long you paint them. Your avatar's head motions will also make them appear to clip in some poses. This is normal.

Looking for more magic earrings? Find the flat ones here.

This derivable set is ugly for developers only. Try it to test compatibility. No refunds.

Use this template and paint around the center vertical lines to get interesting paterns.

Here are examples of how you can manipulate the patterns on earrrings to make beads or different shapes.
These are NOT this product, these are examples from products made with this mesh:

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