!!! A Huge SchooL of DoLPiNs (DERIVABLE) !!!

!! Nice for in those rooms with a lot of water (the sea?;) in it !!

! Try IT !

TiP: After you put this on in the dressing room, put "DoLPhiN SchooL ~RighT~ on
top of it (you can equip three of this product at the same time ;) to make a school
of DoLPhiNs that shake their head/body from left to right !!! Try iT !!!

TiP 2: When you've bought both the left & right version , you should go to the dressing room equipping a third one (my product "FLooD") over them and the JoY could'nt be much more GREATER ... (They have animated water around them then;) !!! Try IT !!!

(the idea for this "product/creation" came from a great girl/female/woman from Singapore named Dolphin ;)

Made 4 Dolphin & All other dolphin Lovers by : JRuNe37

Idea by : Dolphin(+ a number;)