This is a kids corrector scaler. It is designed to allow your little kid to sit and stand on different levels and not to drown on the chairs or float in the air. It has several number positions, so it does not matter what size you are you will find one pose that works for you, try before you buy!!!. This product works propertly on regular sitting poses (It may not work on animated furniture items or still avatar with unusual sitting poses) and regular standing poses. I strongly recommend you try this product before you buy, so you make sure it does not do any unwanted interactions with the avatar you regularly use. Please try it on a furniture item too. Check the images below ***Try, wishlist, buy review, thanks!!!***
You can sit where you want without being drowned on chairs :)
If you use a leg reducer to make your legs a little shorter, use this to avoid your little feet floating on the air :D
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TAGS: kids, kid, child, baby, sitting, infant, toddler, corrector, fixer, children, little, sit, poses, pose, children, corrector, fixer, sitting, standing, poses, for little kids, scale, scaler, scaled