The Silver Wolf!

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Avast matey's! This be not your typical pirate ship, The Silver Wolf be the terror of the seas! We didn't waste time with rotting wood, but built with shining steel! I be like'n to see ye scurvy dogs try and blast through this hull with yer cannons! The Winged Wolf be watchin' over this ship and any of ye fool enough to go against it be sure to give a mug o' grog to Davey Jones when ye see him!
Just had to do that. =) Seriously though this is a rare ship indeed featuring a steel hull, Winged Wolf sails (With a beautiful Winged Wolf guarding over it in the night sky.) Azure waters, and emerald isles...speaking of the Emerald Isles the main sail is connected not with your typical ropes but celtic knot work!
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The Silver Wolf is a multi-level ship with various cabins featuring strong shining steel and Winged Wolf etched windows that afford an amazing view of the sea outside.
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Wooden ships take heed, for this next generation pirate ship while made of steel also carries a full battalion of cannons, to which your wood is much more susceptible!
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Knowing my love of detail, you had to know I wouldn't leave the typical seagulls alone. Take a climb to the crows nest to see vibrant multi-colored tropical bird life! Even a pirate deserves a good view.

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