Fairies of the Year This collection is a co-op with Angelshero23,Violetscry1 Sugarlumpies, and Scarlett Syn. Please check all four catalogs for the complete series! Modeled by violetscry1 Photobucket December: Name: Krista Month: December Type of Fairy: Holiday fairy Favorite color: holly red and ivy green Favorite Holiday: all the winter holidays Favorite treat: candy canes, cookies, gingerbread, icing, hot toddies Favorite things: decorations, lights, snow, trees sledding, stars, parties Home: a Christmas star in New York Dislikes: mean people, greed, crowds, lines Powers: to keep cocoa hot, decorate trees, feed people and shine tinsel About me: I love the holidays. I volunteer at soup kitchens and help spread good cheer and peace on earth.