This is an invisible DERIVABLE triggerless music product for male and female avatars that has Birds Chirping BUT you can DERIVE and put your own sound in (even clips of your own voice to wear around). Do Not BUY!!! Derive!!! The sound you put in will only play 20 seconds but you can put multiple sounds in!!! This item is invisible that will be found in male accessories, but is wearable by male and female avatars. Just change my trigger "sing" and put your own ogg file in the appropriate place under "actions"
NOTE-If you wanna make a sound to put in IMVU, you Must Covert it To an Ogg File. In order to do this you must have a converter. Download 1 here for a 21 day trial: Download Here

With this tool you convert your MP3 sounds to ogg which IMVU uses . Once Coverted you place it in the appropriate place under actions in the create previewer. Apply Changes, Save It-Then Submit to Catalogue. And there you have your sound!!!

Also check out some of my other products below,Click On Any Picture and It Will Open In a New Window
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