Fairies of the Year This collection is a co-op with Angelshero23,Violetscry1 Sugarlumpies, and Scarlett Syn. Please check all three catalogs for the complete series! Modeled by violetscry1 Photobucket March: Name: Brigitte Month: March Type of Fairy: Irish fairy Favorite color: green Favorite Holiday: St Patrick’s day Favorite treat: green beer Favorite things: shamrocks, clover, moss, corn beef Home: Irish hillside Dislikes: the English. All of them.. Except for Monty Python people Powers: to out drink anyone.. Seriously.. Anyone. I f***ing dare ya! About me: I ‘m a scrappy little fairy, who loves to drink and fight. Preferably both at the same time while kicking a Englishman arse. ( all of this said with a rich Irish accent.)