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Template1 - fem
Stylish rectangular shoulder bag with long strap, curved sides, and piping trim.
This bag is derivable! [see instructions below]

This product is intended for developers, please do not purchase it unless you want a blue bag with funny lines all over it.
Please note that the bag may not work well with certain poses.
Thankyou kindly to SecondHarvest for making this mesh for me.

All products in the above images can be found in my Catalogue.

Instructions for deriving:
Please use the templates linked to below as a guide for creating your textures. They include a 512x512 map for the bag and a 1024x32 map for the strap. Use a small plain coloured texture for the trim. You may resize them to a smaller size to save on filespace if you wish :)
Right-click the links below then click 'save' to save the template.
Please do not set your derivation to derivable.
Have fun!

Bag Template

Strap Template

Click to see more of Polystyrene's products!