Accessories by Augur

Clock Lady Glasses

The purpose of these Clock Lady glasses is shrouded in mystery,
though it has been theorized that they allow the wearer to see traces of artron energy
that alerts the wearer to the presence of other time travelers.
Then again, they may have been created to keep the light of suns out a your eyes.

The Clock Lord (male) version of these glasses is available HERE.

Please try before you buy.

To view other items I have created with the Time Guild Seal of Rassilon, please click here.

Guild of Solomon items can be found here.

If you have any questions about this product, have a request,
or would like my badge, please leave a message on my homepage.

Thank you for your patronage and have a wonderful day.


Female Heads Male Heads

Female Hair Male Hair

Female Eyebrows Male Eyebrows

Endless Eyes

Techomage Eyes

Abnormal Eyes

Augurette Catalog