well it's the candy cat skin with added darknes :P therefore licorice is born! :D please take a look at the pictures below ^^ the tail in the picture is the black candy cat tail, to go with the skin (the original was too pink for this skin, well unless you want then I'm perfectly happy with you buying it :P) black eye make up, black lipstick with three lip rings, a black belly piercing and an 'engraved' circled star on her rear (suggested) the pink ruff and stomach is still there, aswell as the cheeks. contrast from the black and white. Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting get the dress Example: Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting get the tail get the wings get the whiskers get the legs other items shown made by Mystaia (eyepatch), razi (ears), Koze (eyes), TNT (skirt), xStaticx (scarf) , V4NY (hair), and DreamWeaver1 (top) THANKS FOR LOOKING! :D