>> WARNING - READ Below <<


Please, don't buy it and then tell me it's expensive.
It's obviously expensive. It's just a Dress + s. Heels, no more!
If it's expensive for you; Please don't BUY it.
But anyway, it's so nice! So detailed!! and you'll love it ^_^

This is a DONATION dedicated to MAyMADLy and her work on IMVU

Please READ WELL the description below

I made this dress and I am really in love with it!!! It took from me a very long time to make it, I want it for me as my costume but many want it too, so I released it for the first "550 users" who will buy it with "880 cr. only". NOW sales ended, the sales target number was reached, so I am sorry if you missed the chance to buy it :( you can still buy its colors with 880cr. and even less!! ^^ find them in my catalog. And if you still want this! Sorry you got to pay. So think well and don't write bad reviews about the price please, I didn't want to make it invisible. Because it's one of my art!! With love, May XXxxX

For the ladies who tend to be pirates! Here's your chance to wear a REAL costume for the most rich famous pirate lady on the actual ships. Buy this full outfit and you'll wear a wonderous dress, with a very detailed texture that you'll just love it. You'll have also the sandals that match with it. Simply this dress is sexy, classy and regal!

May Madly's Atelier presents a NEW offer for all the IMVU users!! Now you can choose your favorite color, your design or your gift BY May's COLORS Factory. Enjoy the new service!

. Pirate LADY set .

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Other Colors!! Same QUALITY!!! AFFORDABLE Price!!

Some of my other FULL outfits