awesome sanori katanas female version i will be coming out with the male version later,comes with alot of triggers so you can slice and dice and the tiggers are sheath - Idle animation in sheathed-ready stance draw - Idle animation in unsheathed-drawn-ready stance sab - Sheathed Attack Back - Attacks backward in sheathed stance saf - Sheathed Attack Front - Attacks forward in sheathed stance sar - Sheathed Attack Right - Attacks to the right in sheathed stance sal - Sheathed Attack Left - Attacks to the left in sheathed stance uab - Unsheathed Attack Back - Attacks backward in unsheathed stance uaf - Unsheathed Attack Front - Attacks forward in unsheathed stance uar - Unsheathed Attack Right - Attacks to the right in unsheathed stance ual - Unsheathed Attack Left - Attacks to the left in unsheathed stance whirlwind or ww - Rising Spin Attack swordplay or sp - Sequence of manuerves i hope you enjoy the kitanas and your paying for the work i put into these not the product. and enjoy these triggers and enjoy practicing and becoming the master of these sanori kitanas ty for buying my prodcut and enjoy:)PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket