This dress has a layer over top of it that is remapped to sew the collar back onto the top so you don't have to spend time trying to align texture detail around the neckline :) I've also increase the area of the sleeves so that the detail in them is more even and less pixelated.

The skintight layer underneath is the regular map and the remapped top that goes over is the other map below.

This item is meant for derivation purposes only. DO NOT BUY it unless you actually want a solid blue dress.

Clipping occurs at some joints in some poses, mostly the shoulders and top of the thighs. This happens with any layered clothing and the best way to deal with it if it bothers you is to make sure the under layer matched the top in the problem areas. In addition, with this particular mesh the shoulder fold doesn't work well in poses where the arms go too far forward.

Please remember to set your derived item to non-derivable.