Far away from any semblance of civilization is the huddled settlement of Cranktown. Starting out as a cargo transfer station for freight trains and airships, Cranktown slowly accumulated vagrants and wanderers of the lowest varieties until it festered into the wretched slum it's known as today. The once respectable station became crowded with neon signs and billboards as opportunist after greedy opportunist sought to make their mark on the budding city, as well as a quick buck. Constantly abused by its successive chain of slumlords, Cranktown seems to be perpetually on the verge of total collapse yet somehow still stands defiant in the midst of the vast wasteland, isolated from all but its own demons.

Enjoy your stay.


Small room modeled after old western-style towns. Be sure to scrutinize it closely with the Try It button before purchasing. Matching furniture is a work-in-progress as of this writing. This version of the room is basically identical to the first, save that modifications have been made to the sky texture to give the room a more "foggy" feel.