#message-stack div.messageStackReward{display:none;} #ticker-swf {display:none;} .jello-box .bd {background-color: transparent!important; background-image: none; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-top-style: hidden; border-right-style: hidden; border-bottom-style: hidden; border-left-style: hidden;} #leaderboard{display:none;} #product-buttons-sub { background-color: transparent!important; background-image: none!important; background-repeat: repeat!important; } #imvu-bc { background-color: transparent!important; } #product-developer-banner {background-color: transparent!important;}/*--------DONT EDIT BEFORE THIS LINE----*/ #product h1{color:#FFFFFF!important;}html{background-color:transparent!important;}/*----Blue header with thumbnail----*/#product-details{background-color: transparent !important;background-image: url(https://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h232/polystyrene77/Backgrounds/pageheader02.jpg) !important;}/*----text color----*/.bd{color: #FFFFFF;}/*----Links----*/a:link, a:visited{color: #FF0066;text-decoration: none;font-weight: bold;}a:hover{color: #66FF33;font-weight: bold;}/*----the box that says "creator tools"----*/#product-developer div{background-color: #000000!important;}/*----the box on bottom with the 2nd buy button----*/#product-buttons-sub{background-color: #000000!important;background-image: none!important;background-repeat: repeat!important;}/*----product price----*/#product-price font, #product-price-sub font{color: #FFFFFF;} /*----tabheader backgrounds----*/#product .hd, #keywords .hd, #also .hd, #reviews .hd {background-color: #000000!important;}/*----buy now button background color*/#product-buttons #buy_now, #product-buttons-sub #buy_now_sub, #add_to_cart, #add_to_cart_sub{background-color: #CC00FF!important;}/*buy now button font color*/.btn-submit {color: #000000!important;}/*----Background----*/body{ background-color: transparent;background-image: url(https://i65.photobucket.com/albums/h232/polystyrene77/Backgrounds/black2x2.jpg);background-repeat: repeat;background-attachment: scroll;background-x-position: 0%;background-y-position: 0%;}
Template1 - fem
It's nearly my birthday so I felt like making something a bit special. And here she is!

This avi is one-click insta Poly! She includes some of my all time favourite products, and then some.

She has a cute custom head, Satin Onyx Poly hair with long pigtails, beautiful blue Eclipse eyes, enhanced Peach Girl skintone with black eyeliner and eyeshadow and pink lipgloss, skintight t-shirt with cool pink and purple design (has slightly enhanced bust), stonewash denim cut-off jean shorts with studded belt (has slighty enhanced booty), smaller feet, 10 triggered poses (triggers are a0-a9) and 10 triggered facial expressions (triggers f0-f9). She is also a no smile avi which means no goofy smile unless you tell her to.

All the above features are her defaults - these are what you see when not wearing other head, eye, hair, skintone or clothing products.

Please note that as with all developer made avatars, she may not work with some furniture and room poses.

Want to create your own special customised avatar?
Click here to see the derivable version of PolyLove Avi :)

Click to see more of Polystyrene's products!