On my boyfriend's request, the skin of a powered-up vampire, complete with searing red eyes, inky black skin, and toothy
snarling creatures: all these things cover the entire body. White gentleman's gloves with
sigils are painted on also. The pictures below also feature the 'Shepherd's Wolf Eyes'. >.< My first skin, so be gentle.
For those of you who like it, stay tuned. Shepherd's Wolf skins for
every skin color and gender will be released soon.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

"You chose a bad time to work late."

I flicked my eyes over the man cooly. Tall, dressed head to foot in red, his demeanor was elegant, noble
and honorable -- but there was too much of danger about him to trust.
"You're late for Halloween, son. Too bad. That's a spot on 'Carmen Sandiego' costume y' picked out . . . "

"You can leave that in the drawer, Father. Guns won't work on me."

Damn it. Getting up from my desk, I circled him warily, inching towards the door.
"You. ...Is it you controlling the creatures outside? Have you no respect for this house?"

"On the contrary. I bring utmost regards. She has sent me with a message for her old teacher."

"Nonetheless, I'll ask you to leave."

His grin was slow and wide, "Oh, I don't think you'd like that. Those creatures
may not be mine, but I know hunger when I see it -- STAY AWAY FROM THE DOORS AND WINDOWS!", he hissed,
yanking me backwards from the entryway.

Sitting down heavily in my chair, I tasted, I thought, my death to come. I spoke slowly and with anger.
"Integra is a fool. I know my God. Does she really believe that He would send a wolf like you to protect His sheep?"

Softly came the answer: "You who counsel the great and worthy variety that God created in His children . . . . have you never
thought He would wish variety in His agents as well?"

To that I could not answer.

As I watched, his skin changed gradually to an inky black, covered all over with searing red eyes.
Smoothly, he handed me a parchment written in a rigid and perfectly executed script.
"Relax. It's a beautiful night, and this won't take long."

His deep chuckle echoed as he melted into thin air.

Inhuman howls and gun shots resounded outside as I opened the parchment stamped with the
seal of a noble house, which bore but one line:

"Father Oluremi. Consider my debt to you repaid."

Letting the parchment drop I cradled my forehead in my hand, but smiled.