Gun transparent sticker size 312 X 91 AK-47 assault rifle was developed in 1946 by Michail Kalashnikov - engineer of the Soviet Union. Kalashnikov's assault rifle is one of the best example of the basic individual infantry weapon for last 55 years and it is unsurpassed till nowadays. AK-47, with all it's modifications is used by more than 50 countries all over the world. It's construction became a base for a great number of copies, versions, and modifications, chambered for various calibers. In 1949 assault rifle was adopted by Soviet Army and indexed as AK-47 (1947 year model Kalashnikov's assault rifle). It's construction was so successful that shortly new weapon displaced every other firearms in Soviet Army except machine-guns, pistols and sniper rifles. AK-47 can be partially dismounted in a minute. Kalashnikv's construction weapons are easy in use and maintenance, in case of measured and accurate design. Soldiers like this easy construction of it's reliability. Kalashnikov's sytem rifles do not misfire in any situations even fully immersed in mud, or underwater. Chromed barrel make it available to use even in extreme low temperatures. Assault rifle is convenient to use in the city as the 7.62-mm bullets doesn't use to ricochet hitting walls distinct to the 5.45-mm bullets.