
To get my Badge / Bling please type your Avatar name in the box below.
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In partnership with Dutchie2000 and myself may we both very proudly present an item of which is the first of its kind here on IMVU. A 12 avatar group posing spot, yes up tp 12 avatars can all psoe together for group shots, so you and up to 11 of your friends can all now easily have your picture taken together! Furniture item, just add it to a room and invite your friends. features 3 rows, first row avatars will kneel, middel row the avatars will sit on invisible seats and the back row will stand, please see pictures below. Remember you do not ahve to have 12 other avatars for this, it is up to 12 so you and 3 friends can also make use of it for example.

Thank you Dutchie2000 for partnering with me to produce this item.
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