This is a crude representation of how I feel when I'm in imvu's shop, picking out interesting furskins
to use as models to mold new heads lol Just a nice twist for a Halloween theme! In case it's so bad that one cannot tell just by looking at it.. lol They're all in a cauldron that's filled with apple cider,
and each character is stuck in hardened caramel in each of the apples...
and I'm the big white mouth leaning in bobbing for the apples, and picking a fur lol The caramel represents the fact that their products are "stuck" in shop, where anyone can just go ahead and buy them. The apples are their position in shop, moving around fluently, and the cauldron is the imvu catalog itself, and the popular game of "bobbing for apples" represents the fun activity of shopping in imvu's furshop!
My big mouth represents me as a head creator, sitting at home in front of my computer looking at all of the tiny products on my screen, and the fact that my fangs are out, sharp, and mouth open about to devour a selection represents my examination process that I do when I've decided that this skin has enough prominent facial features that helps me see the changes I make when I mold a new head's face, and the eminent digestion represents my actual physical meshing process I do after I've made my selection! Within the digestion itself are all my ups and downs dealing with breaking down the skin and manipulating it's positioning to go where I want... lol I don't really want to say that the end product is crap... that analogy is simply accidental lol... Also, the fear itself on all of the small characters faces represent the initial general anxious and uncomfortable feeling a fur dev may have when someone is examining their work lol

Note: I don't actually feel malicious when I look for furs lol It actually makes me very happy.
This is just a twisted version of what goes on, for the sake of Halloween lol So, I hope no one gets offended!

Click picture below to view FERALfashion's Valentine Contest Winner's birdy outfit!