Playful Kisses?
The story: Most people assume my avatar name, "Smackers" is based off the chapstick? Well, it actually means "enthusiastic kisses" and I thought it matched me perfectly because I'm one of the most open-hearted, loving people I know. ;) If you know me at all, you can't help but agree. I mean pfft, I don't hate anyone, and I can honestly say that. (: Not many people can. But I loved the way these came out so much... plus, my original panties sold AMAZINGLY;; 10times better then any of my other products have ever sold. Apparently panties (and tanks) are myy callingg? Who knows. But I wanted to name these after myself, so that's how "Playful Kisses" came around. (: I thought playful fit better then enthusiastic in this case, but they mean the same thing so who cares.
Plus, the word enthusiastic was too long to fit.

ANYWAY. This comes with a striped tank with little heart shaped buttons. (: And sexy little panties with polka dots! ;D This specific set is PINK. Picture below is not edited. PLEASEREVIEW! <333

Smackers products!!!
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