Right-handed Lightsaber Hilt; 'Padawan' Series.

A replica of the saber hilt used by me in my Padawan training. A fairly simple and common design, yet still containing the elegance that inevitably surrounds any lightsaber.

Using A Lightsaber

This object is just a lightsaber hilt. In order to activate the saber, and display the notorious blade you will need to purchase a Lightsaber crystal. These allow you to choose the color of the blade as well as the length for sabers with multiple lengths.

Below is a few of the crystals compatible with this hilt. Also, you can click here, or the 'View All' image for a list of all compatible crystals.

Dual Sabers

Dual sabers can be weilded by the skilled jedi. In order to use two sabers at the same time, you'll need to buy a saber hilt for your other hand, and a compatible crystal.

Here are some sabers for your other hand that will allow you to dual wield. Also, you can click here, or the 'View All' image for a list of all sabers dual-capable with this one.

Developers Note:

Like all of my public items, this one is derivable.

To assist in the creation of textures for my products, I make all of the original UV maps (Straight out of Lithunwrap) available as a bitmap in the developers tools section of my homepage.

Alternatively, if you don't want to support my Visitor count =(, you can download the map straight from here: