Female X Chain Goth/Emo Pants. Mesh derived from KittenKat. However all colors, brushes, and images ((I.E. The pink skull)) were done by me. took me between 5-6 different art files that I did JUST for the accessories on these pants and nearly 2 days of straight coloring. Product will not come in men's size until I find a derivable pant with attached jpeg file 2D Mesh without a shoe. Also this will be my last addition to the Catalog until I get more credits. The pant itself is 11 layers of color. It has a series of X's on it in it's design and texture. The ropey belt and purple straps of the cargo pockets are done by a special 4 heart brush I made. The design on the pocket is also another special brush I made. Product is slightly expensive due to the derviable fees I'm being charged to post this and also because this pant was alot of work in the making.