♥ Thank you for having interest in my badge! There are 2 ways you can buy it:

•If you buy this sticker then please DO NOT buy with promo credits! If you do then you will not get the badge•
•Once bought please leave a review! You don't have to say anything in particular, I just need you to leave a review so I know who to send the badge to! (It's a lot easier to keep track of it this way)•
.:•Please allow a few days after purchase for the badge to be sent to you•:.

•This option is for those who would like to save on credits by avoiding paying the extra fee's IMVU puts into place for these product sales•
Please message me first before sending credits!
•Once I receive your message I'll give you the all-clear to send credits•
•As above, please allow a few days for the badge to be sent•