Vampire Castle Gate House . Third of four castle gate houses not including the Genesian Port Gate house and the Dragon Gate house. Version 1 is 30203659 and Version 2 is 30204738 and Version 3 is 30351407... The Dragon Gate House is 30193270 and you can find the walls and corners there. If you want me to make walls and corners to match this so you can enclose your city, just message me.......................... I have OUTDOOR BUILDINGS NUMBERED 1 TO 15 WHICH YOU CAN FIND UNDER OUTDOOR BUILDINGS. THEY ARE ALL MEDIEVAL BUILDING 1 TO 15...... YOU CAN FIND MY OTHER OUTDOOR BUILDINGS BY KEY WORDS LIKE VIKING, TORVIE, FAE, TAVERN, INN, HALL, SMALL HOUSE, BLACKSMITH, VIKING, LONG HOUSE, BARN, CABIN, COTTAGE, CASTLE GATE HOUSE, GATE HOUSE, GAZEBO, GREENHOUSE, PRISON, CLOCK, KENNEL, HALL, TENT, GUARD, GRIST MILL, BAKERY, WALL, ELVEN ....................................................................................Check out my shop for AP and GA poses; Animated poses and animated furniture; products - rooms, animated and non animated furniture; gowns, hood, veils for FW; silks, collars, anklets, ankle bells, belly gems, forehead gems; clothing and weapons for men; MEDIEVAL AND MODERN FURNITURE which can be used in Vampyre, Viking, Demon, Medieval role plays; CHECK MY FURNITURE BUNDLES SOME WITH ROOMS FOR IDEAS AND MORE CHOICES; Natural rooms for settings for Vampyre, Dragons, Elven, Fae, Desert with or without tents, SCALED TOYS FOR KIDS; Hairstyles for men, women and children; I also have children's clothing and shoes; Jewelry for men and women; MEDIEVAL AND MODERN ROOMS; .. My shop is ... ALSO I MAKE MOST OF MY TEXTURES SO PLEASE DO NOT COPY FOR YOUR OWN PRODUCTS.  photo A A A A A A A A GATE 3 D_zpsajlzxkrf.jpg