Water lounger set, great for any Pagan, Witch, Wiccan, etc. Ring Only. You can find the Water Lounge Bundle below :)

The Water Element affects the subconscious, emotions and dreams, it is the element of love and emotions. Constantly active beneath the surface, influencing our moods and emotional responses. The energy of water rules the west and its season is autumn, it purifies, heals, offers emotional release, and removes all that is stagnant. The energy of Water is feminine and is symbolised by the womb, it is related to fertility.

Water personalities are spiritual, emotional, sensitive and very intuitive, often becoming involved in psychic work or mediumship. They approach life from a feeling perspective, rather than a thinking one, and can be quite spontaneous. In relationships they are empathetic and nurturing, but can be touchy. Too little Water makes them emotionally distant, with an inability to express themselves, causing them to keep people at arm’s length. In this instance they would be less empathetic, intuitive and psychic. Too much Water, takes all emotions to the extreme, making day to day functioning in the world difficult and possibly causing psychic overload.

The deities associated with Water are Tiamat, Venus, Neptune and Epona. Tiamat in Mesopotamian mythology, represents chaos and the energy of the ocean, she was the primeval mother whose salt waters mingled with the fresh water of Apsu to initiate the creation of the gods. Neptune was the Roman god of the sea, with a fearful temper, his moods created terrible storms. In Greek mythology, Venus was the archetype of love and beauty. Created by the foam of the sea, she had the ability to calm the sea and ensure safe voyages, just as she brought balance and harmony, to human emotions and instincts. Epona was a Celtic goddess of Water and healing, and the presiding deity of healings springs. She was associated with fertility and the earth’s abundance.

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