Earth lounger set, great for any Pagan, Witch, Wiccan, etc. Hoodie Only. You can find the Earth Bundle below. :)

The Earth element is the one most closely linked with our physical world, and the densest of all the elements. It governs, money, property, business, security, loyalty, responsibility and anything that is connected to the physical body and health, business affairs and finances. It is the feminine element of the Mother Goddess and stands for stability and growth, it is the foundation on which the other elements move. Earth is a receptive energy, helping us to accept responsibility and bringing to our attention limitations in our makeup, Earth’s season is winter, and it’s direction is north. In the natural environment Earth’s place is a cave, the symbol of shelter, the womb, rebirth, and the home of ancient oracles. Other places associated with the Earth element, are forests, valleys and fields. Earth governs the home and the areas of physical needs, such as the bathroom, and dining room, and practical tasks. It is the element of buildings, financial institutions, catering, gardening, farming, business and anything that requires working with the hands. Earth’s energy is grounding.

Earth personalities love to be surrounded by family and are quite tactile, they enjoy the pleasures of the senses and have a healthy libido. An over abundance of the Earth element slows things down and progress is slow, too little of the Earth element causes an inability to dare, take risks or branch out.

The deities Gaia, Pan and the Horned God, are associated with earth, Gaia is the ancient Greek Earth goddess, she was the first deity of the great oracle at Delphi. Pan was a shepherd in Greek mythology, he represents the spirit of untamed nature, he was an ancient god of wild things. The pagan horned god, the lord of the woods, is the consort of the Triple Goddess, he represents sexuality and vitality, and is depicted as half-man, half-animal, he is a hunter and identified with the sacrificed and hunted animal.

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