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Any fan of the British TV show Doctor Who will know that the TARDIS can actually have any shape but the well known shape of the Police Box has been used for 45 years now. thsi is a different design to the other TARDIS in my products. With this TARDIS ther police box has been made invisible so you can add your own prefered shape to make your own individual TARDIS. The interior also differs in design from the one shown in the TV show, so those who wish to create their pwn version may do so by adding their chosen shape to the top part where the little dot is in the below picture and again by moving your avatar to the spot just infront of this dot you will be transported inside the TARDOS its self. For those of you who likt to keep the police box design with the inside matching the one as shown in the TV show please look for my origional version of this TARDIS.

Some examples of my other products.