This is the Red + White version of my Western Wear Line. It is priced lower than the classic line because it tends to be a bit more seasonal me thinks. (but your opinion may be different and you may have just stumbled upon a great deal - lol) But the attention to detail is the same and it also includes some lovely silver detailing.
This is the Cowboy Hat part of the package pictured below and includes both the hat and the lovely hair with the outstanding sheen. I realize that the hair style is not particularly glamorous, but it is the mesh and i have no control over that. But hey - aren't cowgirls supposed to be less glamorous anyways? Trust me you will still be drop dead sexy, but in a down home kinda girl next door way, and don't we all prefer that look in the end anyways? :)
Please be aware that the Outfit and the Work Gloves are sold separately.


Please click My Ms. Medea Logo to keep Looking at my Outfit lines...



Please feel free to look at my most recent GA products :)

Class & Attitude Brought to you by:
the "Voice Diva" -- Ms. Medea

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