Tarot Lukumi Table. This Divinatory system is based on The Lukumi Tarot.There is a lot of way to use thoses cards, this widjet use the simpler one: also called the Brujo Spread use only the 22 major cards of the Arcana. The first card reprent the past or the origin, the second in the center represent the actual situation or the present and the third one the future or the potentialities. The widjet will only choose the cards, its your turn to interpretate it, so you have to learn a bit to. On the Lukumi Tarot the drawing and the colors are also important so if you whant to try look at the card and use your intuition. Here is some clues: the blue is cold, and static and the red is have more movement and his warm. Symetry is Important, each card is full of symbol, you will see its a great way to leran about magic, the world and yourself. But before spread the cards you have to ask a question: about, love, fortune, or work or what you whant. If the question is clear. The Answer of the Tarot will be Clear too.
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The Lukumi Tarot shows events from the legends and stories of the Spiritual Intelligences who are the Orishas of the Lukumi pantheon which is called La Regla Ocha or La Regla Lukumi. (Regla means rule as in the rules of a practice or a religious way of life.) This deck is a first in many ways, it deals specifically with the Afro-Cuban traditions of the Lukumi people in Cuba. Afro-Cuban Lukumi is in itself a mixture of influences which include the Kongo, Yoruba, Catholic and even some Arada or Vodoun influences. The back of the cards is a brillant shade of ruby red and shows an image of a two faced Elegba, one side brown and smooth skinned and young and the the other side a gnarled and bearded black old man a row of cowrie shells runs like a river between the two faces.
There are 22 major Arcana, are is Spanish as are the Minor Arcana and they are as follows.
El Loco - Eleggua = The Fool
El Brujo - Nganguero = The Magician
La Sacerdotisa - Iyami Horonga = The High Priestess
La Emperatriz - Ochun = The Empress
El Emperador - Chango = The Emperor
El Sumo Sacerdote - Orunmila = The High Priest
Los Enamorados = The Lovers
El Carro - Iyawo = The Chariot
La Justicia - Ogboni Edan = Justice
El Ermitano - Babalu Aye = The Hermit
La Rueda de Fortuna - Opon Ifa = Wheel of Fortune
La Fuerza - Oya = Strength
El Colgado - Oba Koso The Hanged Man
El Baron Del Cemeterio - Iku = Death
La Templanza - Olokun = Temperance
Olosi = The Devil
La Torre = The Tower
La Estrella - Yemaya Asesu = The Star
La Luna - Yewa = The Moon
El Sol - Olo Orun = The Sun
Juicio Final - Egungun = Judgement
El Mundo - Lucero Mundo The World