This is a collection of 45 actions for petite avatar / petite students. Some actions are useful for the classroom, some are just useful for roleplaying or for fun. Learn the trigger words carefully and use them naturally for your roleplaying!

This product was made for my Kageran High School collection so it has a lot of actions that a Japanese student would use in class.

All of the actions in this item has two trigger words, one in English and one in Japanese.

Trigger words for all 45 actions:
*stand or *tatsu = Stand up when the teacher enters the room.
*bow or *rei = To bow at the teacher before class starts.
*sit or *suwaru = To sit downafter bowing to the teacher.
*left or *hidari = While sitting down, turn left to talk to other classmates.
*right or *migi = While sitting down, turn right to talk to other classmates.
*behind or *ushiro = While sitting down, turn aroud to talk to classmate behind you.
*sleep or *neru = Sleep
*cry or *naku = Cry
*ignore or *mushi = Look away and ignore the person (teacher) talking to you.
*daze or *bou = Be in a daze and not focus on the class.
*boring or *tsumaranai = Be obviously bored and uninterested in the class.
*dizzy or *memai = Getting dizzy and head spinning.
*fool or *fuzake = Make a fool of yourself.
*yay or *yatta = To celebratelike Japanese school girls would.
*weak or *hena = When someone says or does something crazy, you fall weak (A Japanese thing).
*idiot or *baka = Act like an idiot with a funny face.
*dumb or *aho = Act dumb with another funny face.
*silly or *akanbe = Stick tongue out and make a silly face.
*sorry or *gomen = A common gesture to express I am sorry.
*surprise or *bikkuri = To be surprised at something.
*please or *onegai = A common Japanese gesture to ask someone a favor.
*no or *chigau = A common Japanese gesture to tell someone they are wrong.
*peace or *piisu = Peace sign, in a cute Japanese girl way.
*hand or *te = Raise your hand to answer a teacher's question.
*scared or *kowai = To be scared at something.
*sad or *hansei = To be sad and feel sorry for doing something bad.
*angry or *okoru = To be angry at someone.
*shy or *hazukashii = To be embarassed (shy is easier to type).
*blush or *tereru = To blush from someone's compliments.
*happy or *ureshii = To feel really happiness and joy at something.
*nosee or *minai = Cover your eyes.
*nohear or *kikanai = Cover your ears.
*notalk or *iwanai = Cover your mouth.
*depressed or *ochikomu = To feel depressed and sink to the floor.
*bye or *bai = Wave goodbye in a Japanese school girl way.
*proud or *ehhen = To feel proud for doing something.
*nod or *hai = Nods head the Japanese way "hai!".
*agree or *unun = Many small quick nods of the head to show agreement.
*hot or *atsui = Fan ones self when it is hot.
*cold or *samui = Shiver and tremble from the cold.
*dance = Dance!
*rock or *gu = Rock
*scissors or *choki = Scissors
*paper or *pa = Paper
*yakyu = "Yakyu-ken" the avatar will decide rock scissors and paper automatically for you. Yakyu-ken is a game of rock scissors or paper that people play in Japan. There are two teams, usually the men on one team and the women on the other team. The two teams will send a person up and do yakyu-ken. If one person loses then he or she will take off a piece of clothing. The game is decided when one team has everyone down to their underwear (they don't get naked, this is GA after all). To prepare for this game people all wear many, many layers of clothing. Some people wear many layers of gloves and even socks and it is quite a comedic site at everybody bundled up before the game. Use this item to play your own yakyu-ken party!