"Today I lost my little girl I can't believe seven years have passed I remember holding her in my arms Her giant ears making her all the more cute I'd often cry and she would come to comfort me She'd let me hold her until I finally stopped Everyday she had to give me kisses Reminding me that she loved me as I did her I watched her grow and she watched me Despite being separated for years at one point Our bond never died and we never stopped loving each other Today, my best friend, my baby, my sweetheart passed away She wasn't just a cat or a pet, she was family That's something that is priceless and can never be replaced She had her own personality and she was so very loving If she could talk, oh the thing she would have told me I love you, Mutza I love you so much and I will never stop missing you You were worth so much that I felt a part of me die today If God should have it, I hope we meet again someday Rest in Peace" -Neo