The Light Bulb
(for Men and Women)

Got a bright idea? Feel like letting the world know how much you can shiny? Just like bad jokes? Well take care of all of those issues and more, with the Light Bulb! This object hides inside your head, until a command coaxes it out to shine for all the world to see.

Commands are: "Hm" and "BigIdea"

Due to limitations in IMVU's catalog, there is no Uni- submission category. But this object can be used with both sexes, Male and Female. This version will show up under Male Accessories in your inventory.

Want some sound effects? Maybe add some color to your glow? DERIVE IT! Make your own version, and even sell it the catalog for a small markup over my original, and keep the extra profits for yourself! You can express yourself AND earn credits at the same time. How's that for a sweet deal? You'll need a full account on IMVU, as well as a copy of Previewer. You can find out more about Deriving on the IMVU's Education Center. Below is the template you'll need to get started:

This is the skin used on the Bulb's Glass just before it turns on. This skin doesn't glow and is only visible for a second:

This is the Opacity texture for the Glow around the Light Bulb. I have not included the Color map for this, because the Color map is just an all white version. To change the bulb's glow size and/or shape, change the amount of this image that is white. To change the color of the Glow, make a copy of this image, paint it all one color, and use it as the "Diffuse" image:

This is the metal Stem of the Light Bulb:

To add sound, I highly recommend you download and use Audacity. It's a free sound editing tool that can export out OGG sound files. OGG sound files compress down to less then 1/10th the file size of WAV files. SO USE OGG FILES!!! You can download it here: