This is for my badge, "Heart Strings."
It is a golden, heart-shaped lyre surrounded by roses. The size is 40x40.
Buy this badge, and you can pick a friend to have it free!
Badge artist: Rosiecakes

You can send 2k directly
purchase this sticker
No promo credits, please.


NOTE: Purchasing this sticker will automatically give you the sticker, but in order for you to get the badge, I have to manually grant it to you. I check my sales reports every day so people don't wait forever, but sometimes I am away for a few days. Also, on occasion, I have half-off sales on my badges. It is best to message me BEFORE purchasing this sticker, this protects YOU and avoids confusion.

Like all my exclusive badges, this badge will NEVER change. It is poor practice to change a product after people paid for it. I do not support people who do this!