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**********************PRODUCT DESCRIPTION***********************
Royal Dress Mesh Features Soft Medieval Style Sleeves with Fake Gravity. Be warned - This mesh is more intense due to the added softness on the sleeves. Please check before you derive. Derive only, not for sale.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Templates* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

M20 body
M21 inner gown front
M22 inner gown back
M23 inner gown sleeves
M24 outer gown front
M25 outer gown back
M70 sleeve front
M71 sleeve back
M72 lace trim
M73 sleeve tie
M74 puff
sleeve front
sleeve back
ribbon/under sleeves
sleeve ties

There are many stolen meshes in the catalog, derive carefully and derive from the original ones saves you troubles from getting DMCA takedown later.
*Hint* Stolen meshes mostly cannot provide you with templates and mostly appear in wrong categories.
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